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Lectio Divina with Your Dinner Group

PURPOSE Lectio Divina means “divine reading.” It is a way of listening to the text of scripture more as a conversation with Jesus where he is suggesting the topic of conversation. It could be explained as “bible basking” rather than “bible study” where we meditate on scripture, converse with God openly, and live [...]

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Supporting Others Through Sickness

Sickness and chronic pain can add significant emotional and physical stressors on an individual that most likely impact their quality of life; however, these stressors often get missed during brief interactions or go unnoticed. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our friends and group members who are [...]

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Take a Day

Have you ever had the feeling that you could be experiencing more of God? It’s this nudge inside of you that suggests there’s more. Sometimes it comes while you are listening to Pastor Chris speak or watching people get baptized or listening to a worship song or sharing with a dinner group friend. Perhaps there is no nudge. There is only unrest. A weekend away [...]

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Spiritual Mapping (GPS) Exercise

PURPOSE Lectio Divina means “divine reading.” It is a way of listening to the text of scripture more as a conversation with Jesus where he is suggesting the topic of conversation. It could be explained as “bible basking” rather than “bible study” where we meditate on scripture, converse with God openly, and live [...]

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Helping a Friend Through a Job Loss

Job loss can be a shock to the system. It affects every aspect of life and is one of the most difficult emotional challenges to overcome. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our coworkers who are dealing with the emotions and challenges of job loss? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS - Understanding Death + Loss + Grief Losing a job can be completely overwhelming for some individuals [...]

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Supporting Others Through Death and Grieving

Whether you are young, old, rich, or poor, death and grieving is part of our lives. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our group members who are suffering the loss of a loved one? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS – Understanding Death + Loss + Grief The death of a loved one or close friend is one of the biggest stressors in life […]

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Ugh. I can’t sleep. There is so much going on at work that if something wakes me up, my mind instantly pops into gear and I start thinking about all the things I need to do and what I need to accomplish. It’s cool how creative God makes our minds. Even when we’re not thinking about a problem, we can wake up with an “A-Ha!” (or [...]

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In Other Words

For the last few weeks, we have been telling you about the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt from our perspective. But, what’s even more interesting is hearing firsthand about the day from last year’s volunteers. Volunteering at the Easter Egg Hunt last year was one of the highlights of my entire year. I dressed up as one of the Easter bunnies [...]

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King and Queen of Connection

Rebecca and Jimmy spent no time worrying about fitting in. They had their hearts set on connection and being a part of the community. Connection events quickly became a part of their everyday life. “We jumped in here,” said Rebecca. “It’s worth the awkwardness of the first few times or two to jump in and meet people that are part of your [...]

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What Is Team Link?

Everything Hoboken Grace does revolves around our mission - to help people find their way back to God. And it takes a LOT of people to make that mission possible. People with all sorts of skills, talents, and passions. Every person is a necessary piece in impacting the world around us. Each of us are called to love our neighbor. At Team Link, [...]

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3 Tips On Goal Setting

The end of January is almost here, and you may think it’s too late for those New Year’s resolutions. But regardless of what the calendar says, it’s never too late to work on your goals. This past weekend, about 20 people gathered for a one-day conference in Montclair to outline a vision plan for 2019. Hosted by Devin, who has attended Hoboken [...]

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The Band Behind One of Hoboken’s Largest Concerts

This past Sunday marked yet another sold out show filled with crying, adoring fans. The crowd of over 1,300 people just couldn't get enough of these musical prodigies. The band members are humble and practiced for weeks. But, when it came time to go on stage, some were hit with creative inspiration, some coudn't contain [...]

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Thank You Notes – “Hoboken Christmas Exchange”

Over 1,900 individuals were impacted this past Saturday as the result of over 600 donors, and 276 volunteers. Read that again. Including all the partners, 3,400 people participated – in a city of 55,000 people! All of this is only possible because of you. After your amazing outpouring of love to your neighbors, we were able [...]

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Six Ways to Keep Up Momentum After FPU

You’ve taken FPU, applied the steps and celebrated the wins. But now it’s all over. Those days of gazelle intensity seem so long ago and you’re wondering where to go from here. Here are six ways you can continue on your Baby Step journey: 1). Make the Baby Steps a habit. At Hoboken Grace, we often [...]

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